Sunday, July 31, 2011

To Jerusalem

Today I leave Ramallah for Jerusalem. Just when you think you have a plan set, things change. I am waiting to go to Nablus until me next trip. I cannot believe the kindness and hospitality I have experienced in Palestine. I have been taken care of and watched over and loved by some brilliant people. Nahed, Dina, Tamara, Jaqueline, our drivers and Nahed's family, our hotel friends, and kind people on the street willing to help me when I get lost and confused. I am so grateful to the people here who are happy to talk yoga, happy to ask "what IS yoga?!?" and who practice with me. A million thank yous to Becca Keleher, who translated for me and waited patiently for me while I talked to anyone and everyone. Off to Jerusalem!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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