Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One week in the states

One week ago, I left Israel. This week I am sitting next to the lake in Madison, WI, but my heart is still in Israel and with the Israelis and Palestinians I am so fortunate to work with. My kiddos go back to school soon, and I will be planning my return trip right away. OTYF will be back, and soon!

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Location:N Lake St,Madison,United States

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Such a day.

Today we brainstormed with Nahed, Lisa, Nihad and Nihad's beautiful mother. I wish I could explain what happened in the room in a house (filled with three families) in Sur Baher, but we all left changed and inspired. OTYF has a vision of empowering people to create centers of possibility for Israelis and Palestinians. And we created the idea of a place to support and inspire. Nihad, soon to be an OTYF sponsored teacher and reiki practioner, is pictured in the photo in full abaya and niqab.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best. Day. Ever.

Today Olive Tree Yoga Foundation made it to Israeli tv! We haven't seen it yet, but we have reliable reports that I was filmed teaching a yoga class to the protesters on Rothschild in Tel Aviv!! We have a young technological wizard on the case, so we hope to have a YouTube link soon.

OTYF's class at Ella Yoga on the Namal tonight was INSANE! Karen and I both left knowing we brought incredible energy and love. The students all asked when we were coming back -- soon, Ella Yoga, soon! OTYF workshop weekend, anyone?

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Location:Tel Aviv

Protests and yoga in Tel Aviv

We are about to depart, and how incredible that we are going to Tel Aviv on the day of the giant protests. I was in the middle of the protests in Madison, and now I will be an observer of these. I look forward to looking for Shlomi and Nikki in the middle of the mass of people. Let's see who we find! OTYF is lucky to witness an important event in Israel.

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Location:Tel Aviv

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tel Aviv, here we come!

Tomorrow we leave for Tel Aviv, to teach at Ella Yoga! I'm excited to see all the people I have connected with and excited to be with a new group of students! Shabbat has refueled me amazingly. Karen and her family knew I needed to sleep and let me sleep for most of 24 hours. I am back on top of my game and ready to go! Watch out, Tel Aviv, I'm bringing the yoga!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What your donations are creating

Today I sat on a stoop in the Old City of Jerusalem and co-created something powerful. Lisa, Karen and I are going to offer to sponsor an amazing woman. I will wait to get her permission to give her personal details, but know that the decision to sponsor her came so naturally and suddenly that we all cried. Okay, let's be honest: I wept. Luckily I was in Jerusalem, and I doubt that big displays of emotion are unusual here.

Olive Tree Yoga Foundation came into it's own today. A woman who cares deeply for the transformation and well-being of others through reiki, yoga, and healing circles, who cares for 7 children on her own, and who counts every last shekel to support her family and expand her work will have some more shekels to help her shine her light brighter and with more ease and with a wider range of influence. Thank you, Olive Tree Yoga Foundation donors. You are making a difference in this world.

Further information will follow after out meeting on Tuesday. Expect pictures, details, and a huge glow that you will be able to feel all the way to North America!

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Listening and hearing

Until we are willing to listen to a person, we aren't willing to transform. I have been listening a lot lately, and recognize that there are times when I stop listening because I think I know what people are saying. I hear them speak, but I don't listen. I might think to myself "alrighty, I know what's coming here. I'll just think about my sandwich for a second." And the true listening begins at the MOMENT you want to stop listening. Just as in yoga, where the pose begins the moment you want to get out and the practice begins the moment you want to leave the room for a suddenly remembered meeting, listening begins the moment you want to turn off the listening.

And learning begins the moment you want to stop hearing and listening and start blabbing. I have also noticed that I talk when I am tired of listening. "This is intense, so I'm going to talk about my day." I am learning to live in that intense space of learning and listening. I have chosen a path where I have pledged to listen and learn from everyone, not just people who think just like I do, without turning off and ignoring their wisdom. And this, I believe, is the powerful practice for me this trip. I remain dedicated to listening, learning, and being okay about not presenting any grand ideas. I am here to listen and learn to each person. And that is where my practice is.

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Powerful yoga and yogis in Israel

I am so, so lucky that I listen to my vibes, just like Mom taught me. Last night, on a whim, I decided to get up early to practice at Flow Power Yoga Studio in Jerusalem. I am so grateful I did. I met two incredible women: Adelle Levy and Chaya Bracha Adelson. Adelle taught the flow class and Chaya Bracha is the studio owner, and we all went for coffee together. It turned into a three hour power meeting, and we were joined by the always amazing Karen Zivan. By the end of the three hours, we had made powerful connections, discussed aliyah, discussed what I learned in Bethlehem, and I got to listen to the three amazing Israeli yoga teachers talk about yoga here. And now I am teaching an all-women workshop next Monday at Flow Power at 9 am! I can't wait to bring the OTYF love to the yogis of Jerusalem!

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Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm thinking more and more about humility. I had a conversation with a newly married couple in the hotel in Ramallah, and we talked about humility. How unless we deal with one another with kindness and a sense of our own humility, we will not know peace, whether in ourselves or between people. They were so sweet. She was 18 and he was 22. She had never been out of Palestine and he was taking her to Los Angeles! We talked about the beach, Santa Monica, how there were gyms in the US just for women. I told them I was Jewish and they were honestly surprised that I had come to Ramallah, but they were glad. I told them I came to learn and see for myself. How could I pretend to know anything at all if I hadn't at least set foot in Palestine?? They thanked me, and I was honored to be with them for 30 minutes. They talked to me with humility and I talked to them with humility, none of us knowing about the other before we talked. We were able to hear one another over our own narrative. And I am so thankful it happened. My life is richer for those 30 minutes.

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To Jerusalem

Today I leave Ramallah for Jerusalem. Just when you think you have a plan set, things change. I am waiting to go to Nablus until me next trip. I cannot believe the kindness and hospitality I have experienced in Palestine. I have been taken care of and watched over and loved by some brilliant people. Nahed, Dina, Tamara, Jaqueline, our drivers and Nahed's family, our hotel friends, and kind people on the street willing to help me when I get lost and confused. I am so grateful to the people here who are happy to talk yoga, happy to ask "what IS yoga?!?" and who practice with me. A million thank yous to Becca Keleher, who translated for me and waited patiently for me while I talked to anyone and everyone. Off to Jerusalem!!

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Looking for Farashe today

Today we are on a mission to track down the one yoga studio in the West Bank of Palestine: Farashe, which means butterfly.

Yesterday was an emotional day. We said goodbye to our friends at the SOS Children's Village in Bethlehem, and leaving wasn't easy for me. I began hatching desperate plans to stay for another couple of days, but knew that we had to head north to Ramallah and Nablus. It was time!

We spent the evening working and planning and eating on a cool (temperature-wise) patio. Ramallah is a huge change from Bethlehem. Huge. Where Bethlehem is slowish and quiet, Ramallah is nuts! So many people, so much road construction, so much partying. Our window is above an outdoor patio bar, and I have no idea when it emptied out.

There is very little money for completing the public works projects, so apparently roads remain in construction for months. Also, no money to maintain trash clean-up. It is loud, hot, kind of messy, it has tons and tons of international tourists, and I like it.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Ramallah, at long last!

We are here!  OTYF is in Ramallah, and it wasn't easy.  Lots of private taxis, buses, semi-private taxis, three checkpoints, and a traffic accident and we are finally here!  Tomorrow we are heading to Nablus, but today we are resting in Ramallah with friends.  It is surprising what a super-comfy bed and pizza will fix.  I feel restored and happier.  Tomorrow (off the clock, of course) we will visit a famous gelatoria and the amazingly named Stars-n-Bucks.   Soon we will be off to Nablus, so we are loving the day off!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Want to help out OTYF and SOS Children's Village?

The mothers and aunts (the women who raise the children in homes in the SOS Village permanently) have requested yoga dvds and supplies.  If anyone is interested in helping them continue their yoga practice when we leave, let me know!  I will arrange for items to be sent to them so they can keep practicing!  It will change the women's lives and give the children a wonderful insight into yoga.  Let me know!!

Olive Tree Yoga Foundation in Bethlehem

Winnie the Pooh and Baloo on the wall of the SOS Children's Village in Bethlehem.

Gorgeous, amazing, wonderful women at the SOS Village in Bethlehem.  Wonderful class!

Tamara the translator kept popping into full lotus in jeans and high heals.  Very impressive.

SOS Village is a beautiful place, filled with life and love.  I am honored to be working with the children and mothers and aunts there.  Thank you, Layla, for creating this possibility!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lunch with Wonder Women

These women and I are planning to change the world, one yogi at a time: Lisa, Nahed, Dina, (and Karen, here in spirit!). Palestine is going to have lots of yoga, and soon. Then Palestine and Israel will be doing yoga together. Declaration time!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First class in Israel

Tonight I taught my first class in Israel! The room was packed with students, and it was such a tribute to the love this village has for Karen Zivan. Karen has been leading classes here in Hasmonaim for three years, and the students love her. Mothers and daughters showed up, sisters, friends, women in scarves and skirts, and women in yoga clothes. What a beautiful crew of yogis. I was thrilled that several of the students are talking about going to Even Yehuda for my workshops at Yogama!

The women were cautious but supportive about my trip to Palestine. I can see the dividing wall between Israel and the West Bank from here. There is a Palestinian

village on the next hill. The wall is huge; it looks like the Great Wall. So close, yet so far away. I am excited to get to Bethlehem tomorrow.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Last-minute emails

Here is an excerpt from an email I just wrote, which illustrates how much I adore this area I am traveling to:

"I could come see you on that Friday, but only if I could get in and out of Ramallah before Shabbat.  Or we could meet in Jerusalem before Tisha B'Av, and since it is Ramadan, we could just sit in the shade and not eat lunch."

I love Israel and Palestine.  I can't wait to be there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Saying goodbye

As I am nearing departure, I keep saying goodbyes.  Goodbye to my regular classes.  Goodbye to friends who I won't see for a month.  Goodbye to my coffee shop baristas.  I am only gone for three weeks, but I feel very much like when I return, I won't be the same.  I am saying goodbye to a life I have led for years, and stepping into a giant life.  I can't wait to say hello to people when I get back!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On our way ...

It is only 5 days until I leave for Israel and Palestine.  5 days.  I thought our itinerary was set, schedules packed.  But even as I am packing my clothes and double-checking my adapters, I am in awe of what is happening with me and with Olive Tree Yoga Foundation.

Here is a part of an email I wrote to Kerri Kelly, director of Off the Mat Into the World that sums my amazement up:

 I am about to head off to Israel and then Palestine on Monday.  I had an idea 8 months ago -- create a joint Israeli-Palestinian teacher training program in Israel or Palestine and then create a program to sponsor teachers so they could teach to all sorts of populations without concern for the ability of the students to pay very much -- then I started to take baby steps toward my goal, and somehow, amazingly enough, I am realizing it.  I am headed out, with more and more emails coming in each day of people who want to make connections, who want me to teach a class, who want me to come to their studio.  I dreamed that I would start a foundation and that foundation would create jobs, train people to share yoga, and bring peace one person at a time.  And now it is happening.  

So grateful.  Kinda scared.  Going big, going big right now, but first I have to finish packing.